POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Problem with patterns in height_fields : Problem with patterns in height_fields Server Time
19 Nov 2024 20:13:55 EST (-0500)
  Problem with patterns in height_fields  
From: Hugo
Date: 4 Jan 2002 16:15:35
Message: <3c361b77$1@news.povray.org>

I have a problem with Pov3.5beta9 and noone seems to have mentioned it yet..
Sorry, I can't follow all threads in all groups, but a search didn't give a
result either.

Why does the following code produce some abrupt changes in the Y direction?
The result is these shadowed lines and dots. I tried different scales and
patterns, and different resolutions of the function. You're welcome to
experiment with this yourself, to see that the problem is not something
dull, like too few triangles or a bad scale.. I don't know what it is,

camera { location <12,18,-12>*.9 look_at 0 }
light_source { <-38,60,-30>, 1 shadowless }

#declare Pigm=function { pattern { bumps scale .014 } }

height_field { function 500,500 { y-Pigm(x,y,z) }
 pigment { rgb 1 }
 translate -.5 scale <40,.3,40> rotate 90*y


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