> Where can I get Ingo's param.inc?
It's been posted on povray.binaries.scene-files on September 13.
> What is parametric form?
The parametric form is a way to represent equations where each individual
coordinate (x, y and z) are represented as functions of two parameters
(usually represented by u and v)
So, instead of having F(x, y, z) as your function, you would havem three
separate equations:
x = f(u,v)
y = g(u,v)
z = h(u,v)
Where f, g and h are the parametric equations.
Finding f(u,v), g(u,v) and h(u,v) based on F(x,y,z), though, may get to be
quite an unsurmountable task...
> --
> - Nekar
> http://nekar_xenos.tripod.com/metanoia/
> ---
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