"Slime" <noo### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message
> y*.1 is equivalent to <0,.1,0>. You can't scale an object by zero in any
> direction - it's like squishing it to zero thickness, and there are
> mathematical reasons why the concept doesn't work (it relates to division by
> zero). You'll notice that when you use something like that, POV-Ray gives
> you a warning saying that you can't scale by zero, and it's replacing the
> zeros with ones. That's usually the intended behavior, as you just
> demonstrated. I usually don't worry about the warnings, since it's pretty
> obvious what my intent is when I say scale y*.1, but if you want to be
> really correct about it, use scale <1,.1,1> or scale y*.1 +x+z.
Thanks. I've always wondered about all those warnings... ;)
- Nekar
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