POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Orders being taken for the Year Four IRTC CDROM : Re: Orders being taken for the Year Four IRTC CDROM Server Time
20 Nov 2024 02:28:42 EST (-0500)
  Re: Orders being taken for the Year Four IRTC CDROM  
From: Andrew
Date: 22 Nov 2001 19:43:21
Message: <3bfd9ba9@news.povray.org>
> >   My credit card company prohibites sending credit card information
> > the internet,
> I'm surprised. Shouldn't they put some pressure on
> Microsoft and co so that the Internet becomes more
> secure instead?  :-(

Sounds more like laziness on the part of the CC company.  If they take 5
minutes to write this rule into their contracts, they save hundreds of
hours of headaches when inevitably somone gets burned by an internet
scam, when they would be liable to pay compensation.  They make money
with less trouble, and *most* of their customers are happy.

Their downfall will come if they continue this policy while other
competitors put their efforts into making provisions for this kind of
thing, while they can't deal with it.

Much like my old bike insurance company [note to UK cycle owners: NEVER
use Cycleguard], who introduced an "approved lock list" without notice 2
weeks after I'd paid for a year's insurance with them, with a lock that
was not on their list (but was far superior to many they listed).  Then
they didn't pay a claim for 6 months, and then thought they could have
my custom back.  They had since introduced lots and lots of exclusions
to their cover, such as not leaving a bike outside for more than a few
hours.  I mean, excuse me, but what the hell is the point of specially
insuring your bike if it is hardly covered outside your house?  In the
space of a few months, they had virtually refused to cover anyone who
didn't keep their bike chained up inside their house at all times.  I
wouldn't be surprised if they refused cover to anyone planning to ride
it on a public highway...

Yes, I know, I should have probably enclosed that lot in <rant> </rant>

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