POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : My next fluid experiment (MPEG1) : My next fluid experiment (MPEG1) Server Time
2 Nov 2024 15:25:25 EDT (-0400)
  My next fluid experiment (MPEG1)  
Date: 17 Nov 2001 00:31:16
Message: <3bf5f624@news.povray.org>
Not actually what I had in mind, but it is at least a step forward in the
development of my liquid simulation theory :)

It may not be very clear what type of surface I'm using. It is a paraboloid,
and the camera is looking towards somewhere near the focus of the

I know it is still far from Rune's or JRG's beautiful liquid animations, but
I feel like I'm making progress.

One of my most difficult problems was the calculation of the distance from
the particle to the surface, to know if the particle has to bounce. I had to
implement a Newton-like algorithm to know such distance for each particle.
For this paraboloid I know it works ok, but for more complex surfaces (such
as those I have in mind!), specially nonconvex surfaces, I don't know if it
would work.

I've programmed the simulation program in Matlab6, because it is so easy to
work with vectors and matrices in Matlab! But I was surprised to see that it
took much more time to simulate the motion than rendering the scenes!!!

I also have some problems setting the values of the blobs... I've tinkered
with lots of values and I just don't feel like I've reach the "sweet" point.

I'm eager to read your comments.


ps. Probably I will leave the computer overnight rendering a similar
environment but with much more blobs!

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Download 'liquid5.mpg' (378 KB)

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