"Ben Martens" <bma### [at] purdueedu> wrote in message
> I'm tossing around ideas for a .NET programming contest. One idea was to
> build a distributed POV system based on .NET. I've seen quite a few
> that do this with other architectures. In my random thoughts so far, I've
> come across two potential problems. If anyone can offer any advice I
> really appreciate it:
I have been working on something like this for myself in Java, which I call
the "Atomic Banana Peeler" (ABP)
> 1) I know it's possible to render parts of an image using command line
> switches. However, if I send parts of a picture to different computers,
> this is going to mess up anti-aliasing, correct? I suppose this could be
> avoided by post-processing. Or is there a way to do anti-aliasing in this
> situation?
ABP takes no special steps to prevent this problem, but I have examined the
images it produces closely and cannot see any seam in them, even in highly
AA-d pictures. Either POV handles it internally or it is an effect human
vision does not pick up.
If it really is a problem, I suppose that you should render one extra row of
pixels in each strip, and remove the extras when you stitch it.
> 2) Do I need to write my own routines to stitch the picture back
> or is there any easy way to accomplish this?
I do not think there is any way to easily stitch images back together.
Normally I render .PNG files, but neither Paint Shop Pro nor any Java image
library I could find could do anything with a .PNG partial render. My
program renders vertical strips as TGA images, and then stitches those,
because a TGA rendered in vertical columns has black space in each row of
pixels where it didn't render, making it easy to process.
> 3) I would like to support any platform that can run Povray. What is the
> best way to tell POV to render a file? Should I just pass it a command
> line? If that's the case, are all the command lines the same across
> platforms or would I need separate commands for Linus, Windows, etc.?
.NET? Cross Platform? I didn't think these could be held in the same
thought. ABP uses exactly the same command line for rendering in Windows and
Linux, except for the /RENDER /EXIT in windows.
> Thank you for any help,
> -Ben
> http://bwmartens.tripod.com
Hope this helps some.
#local N=16#local W="/h>m8X=X7KJXFXWhjhKMa$Q$AD390$&<"#macro K()#declare A
=A+1asc(substr(W,A,1))*2/N-4#end#local A=0plane{z,-2normal{ripples}finish{
reflection.9}}camera{sky z location 1+7*y look_at -z}light_source{y*N,1}
sky_sphere{pigment{gradient z color_map{[0rgb z+y/2][1rgb 0]}}}difference{
pigment{color x+y/2}} //http://ryooki.digiquill.com/ Kwan Systems! 2001
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