"Chris Cason" <newsadmin-despam-@povray-no-spam.org> escreveu na mensagem
> <SNIP!>
> I'd like to hear from users about the following:
> 1) Whether the idea as a whole sucks or not;
No, it doesn't, IMHO.
> 2) If not, then if you would purchase one (cost unknown at this stage,
> but I wouldn't expect that it would be more than US$20, and probably
> less).
Yes, definitely.
> 3) Which of the abovementioned designs attract you the most/least.
#1, and probably #2. Either than those, the simple POV 3D logo (provided you
could find an elegant solution to attach the sphere to the rest) would seem
like a better idea to me. After all, POVing, for me, is the closest I can
get to having concrete objects that otherwise would not exist. What better
way to solve this than creating a real object born out of (and actually to
symbolize) POV? Just a thought, and one that didn't consider logistics,
feasibility or costs...
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