"Hugo" <hua### [at] post3teledk> wrote..
>My prior post was "isosurfaces in v3.5 and how to convert them to
>heightfields" and there I mentioned that isosurfaces were slower in Pov3.5
>due to the lack of "method 1"... Here is the proof, and I humbly ask the
>great people developing Pov to take another look at this and eventually
>explain why method 1 was removed from Pov 3.5.
"Method 2" is valid for any continuous functions (if you use appropriate
max_gradient and accuracy values) while "method 1" is not.
This is the major problem of "method 1".
>MegaPOV 0.7:
> Method 2 = 11 secs
> Method 1 = 2 secs
>POV 3.5 beta 5:
> Method 2 = 13 secs
As discussed in p.b.i,
optimization of the function gives us much faster rendering speed
in some cases.
Try following code.
R. Suzuki
// ----- The code
#version 3.5;
#include "functions.inc"
camera { right -1.33*x up 1*y direction 1*z location <-3,0,6>
look_at 0 angle 48 }
light_source { <-25,25,35> color rgb 1.5 }
isosurface { function {
+ .001^((x+.5)*(x+.5)+y*y+z*z-0.75)
- .0001^abs((y+.2)*(y+.2)))-1,
max_gradient 3.2 //278.219
accuracy .008
contained_by { box { <-1,-1,-1.5>,<1.25,1,1.5> } }
pigment { rgb 1 } finish { ambient 0 diffuse .67 specular .1 }
no_shadow }
// ----- End
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