POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Isosurfaces in v3.5 and how to convert them to heightfields? : Re: Isosurfaces in v3.5 and how to convert them to heightfields? Server Time
18 Feb 2025 18:06:03 EST (-0500)
  Re: Isosurfaces in v3.5 and how to convert them to heightfields?  
From: Slime
Date: 9 Oct 2001 12:01:09
Message: <3bc31f45$1@news.povray.org>
I would just give it a color_map of colors from black to white from bottom
to top, and then render it from above.

I'm pretty sure there's also a way to just use a function and tell povray to
evaluate it at certain points in order to "pretend" it's an image.

- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
[ http://www.slimeland.com/images/ ]

"Hugo" <hua### [at] post3teledk> wrote in message
> Hello folks,
> I'm no expert in isosurfaces, but I suspect POV 3.5 to be less powerful
> MegaPOV because it doesn't have the "method" keyword.. I liked method 1
> now I am forced to use what appears to be method 2.. So I must specify a
> max_gradient and in most cases I a gradient of over 100 for my shapes to
> render properly.. This is much slower than method 1..
> I don't know how to solve that.. But sometimes it would also be great to
> convert ISO's to bitmaps so they can be used as heightfields.. I read the
> documentation for POV 3.5 and I only see the possibility of making 255
> slices of an isosurface, each of them with a "pigment object" that is
> on/off... Remember the "pigment { object { ...." keywords? Then I put
> 255 pigments on 255 boxes, all of them with a transparant white color.
> the camera + light in front of it.. If it sounds confusing, maybe this
> explains my idea, although you can't render anything with it:
> #declare Steps=255;  // Amount of slices
> #declare Start=-.3;  // Z position to start
> #declare End=.25;    // Z position to end
> #declare Next=(End-Start)/Steps; // The next step pre-calculated.
> #while (Start<End)
>     #declare ISO=isosurface { function { .... }
>         contained_by { box
> { <-1,-1,Start-.0001>,<1,1.25,Start+Next+.0001> } } }
>     box { <-1,-1,Start>,<1,1.25,Start+Next>
>     pigment { object { ISO color rgbt <0,0,0,1> color rgbt
> <1,1,1,1/Steps> } } }
>     #declare Start=Start+Next;
>     #end
> But I mostly get a black result. The form is only recognizeable if I use 5
> or 6 steps istead of 255.. What's wrong, and are there more clever ways? I
> think MegaPOV could output a density file.
> Regards,
> Hugo

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