So I've been playign with the pigment maps and got a nice looking rock/stone pillar
type of thing.. Now I think I will try to convert it on over to a isosurface and see
if I can get the edges less sharp... That's the only cavet I have right now.
Think I should use a isosurface or use something like a superellipsoid for the
Is there signifigant gains on use the Isosurface?
Ron Parker <ron### [at] povray org> wrote:
> I think what we have here is a misunderstanding of how isosurfaces work.
> The function you give first is a plane displaced by a noise value. That
> it happens to resemble a box with noise on one side is an artifact of
> MegaPOV: it renders the edges of the bounding box as solid if they would
> fall "inside" the function. I think you'll find that POV 3.5 doesn't do
> that by default (and by the way, if you're using Windows or MacOS and
> starting to learn Isosurfaces, might I suggest that you use the POV 3.5
> beta so you don't have to relearn the parts that are different?)
> To get a proper noisy box, I think what you want is
<<< Function Snipped >>>
> bounded by a box that's at least as big as box {-.6,.6} and maybe a little
> bigger in case noise3d gets outside the 0..1 range a little.
> The .1's here are the amount of noise; more will make more noise, as in
> Warp's example. The .5's are half the edge of the box.
> Disclaimer: I haven't tested any of this. It might not really work. I
> don't even have MegaPOV anymore, so I couldn't test it if I wanted to.
> --
> #local R=rgb 99;#local P=R-R;#local F=pigment{gradient x}box{0,1pigment{gradient
> y pigment_map{[.5F pigment_map{[.3R][.3F color_map{[.15red 99][.15P]}rotate z*45
> translate x]}]#local H=pigment{gradient y color_map{[.5P][.5R]}scale 1/3}[.5F
> pigment_map{[.3R][.3H][.7H][.7R]}]}}}camera{location.5-3*z}//only my opinions
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