"Jari Juslin" <zds### [at] ikifi> wrote in message news:3BBBB518.63F04E04@iki.fi...
> I am in need of source code or explanation of how to make plane "cut" or
> "split" iso surfaces. I know I have seen a picture of metallic rounded
> box being cut to pieces in a smooth way; like you had cut some irl clay
> object with scissors.
> So, if anybody can tell me how to do that, I'd appreciate it :-).
Maybe this is what you're thinking of.
#version 3.5;
light_source {<10,10,-100>,1}
#include "functions.inc"
#declare X=3;
#declare Y=2;
#declare Z=1;
difference {
isosurface {
function {f_rounded_box(x,y,z,0.5,X,Y,Z)}
contained_by {box {-<X,Y,Z>,<X,Y,Z>}}
plane {+x,1}
pigment {rgb 1}
rotate -30 translate 10*z
And if you intend to use both halves you'd have to duplicate this with a
plane {-x,1}, which of course means translating the two halves apart or
they'd just be as one piece.
From what I gather about it other isosurfaces might not fair too well, at
least not without first adding max_gradient and/or accuracy settings. But
this is basically the same as any other CSG is done. Nothing real special
about it.
Bob H.
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