It may be that something like this was already planned, or though about and
shot down, but here goes...
A set of standard include files, published under POV-licence (or GPL, or
other), hosted on the povray.org -- with version control, etc.
Someone writes a brilliant include-file or macro, and offers it to the
Team... and eventually it gets added to the collection.
- Official macro/include-based enhancements to POV outside the actual
development cycle.
- Less hunting of vanished web-pages and their gems.
- More synergy benefits (buzzword!).
- No more wondering what the hell does GH_obs_Make_SO( 13, <3,4,5>,
seed(3) )
do... (At least not for all the people: once you figure it out, you post
the documented version to the repository maintainer(s).)
Also, it might not also be such a bad idea to open a similar repository for
other POV-utilities. The author gets the recognition, and we get the source
to play with...
Good? Bad? Stupid? Too much work? Against established philosophy?
-- Nikodemus
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