"Anders K." <and### [at] f2scom> wrote in message
> > Well, I believe what you are experiencing there is that the first and
> > points are only controls.
> No, I know that the first and last points are controls. What I'm creating
> a cylinder of radius 2 and height 2 resting on the plane. Of course I
> do that with a cylinder, but I'm trying to demonstrate a bug in SOR. I'm
> having the same problem trying to model a set of chess pieces; certain
> camera angles are giving me the same problem.
> The trouble is that the endcaps look wrong with the camera angle I showed.
> The documentation says the SOR is closed by default, and it looks closed
> when the camera is at <10, 10, 15>. But when the camera is at <10, 15, 15>
> as in my code, it looks like the SOR is colored as if it were closed, but
> rays are tested for intersection as if the SOR was open. (Look at
> sorbug2.png.)
I'll try and see what the experts and v3.5 pre-beta testers think about
this. It still occurs in v3.5 so nothing has changed from v3.1g.
The following does the same thing and I expected it might close the sor yet
did not.
camera { location <10, 15, 15> look_at <0, 1, 0> angle 15 }
light_source { <2, 15, 5> color rgb 1 }
plane { +y, 0 pigment { rgb 1 } }
<2, 0>, <2, 0>, <2, 2>, <2, 2>
// open
pigment { checker }
Bob H.
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