POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Minigun (DivX ;-) !!!) : Re: Minigun (DivX ;-) !!!) Server Time
18 Feb 2025 18:16:55 EST (-0500)
  Re: Minigun (DivX ;-) !!!)  
From: Zeger Knaepen
Date: 23 Jul 2001 17:10:18
Message: <3b5c92ba@news.povray.org>
> Wow amazing how much some simple sound effects can bring life to something
> like this. One thing I noticed, the glows, that is what you are using right,
> are not synchronized with the barrels of the gun. That is, the flash happens
> between two barrels and not at the tip of one as you would expect, pause the
> play at the exact moment of one of the flashes and you will see what I mean.
Actually they are, but they fade out, so they're only aligned with the barrels
for a very short moment.  Should they follow the barrels while fading out?

camera{location-z*3}#macro G(b,e)b+(e-b)*(C/50)#end#macro L(b,e,k,l)#local C=0
;#while(C<50)sphere{G(b,e),.1pigment{rgb G(k,l)}finish{ambient 1}}#local C=C+1
;#end#end L(y-x,y,x,x+y)L(y,-x-y,x+y,y)L(-x-y,-y,y,y+z)L(-y,y,y+z,x+y)L(0,x+y,
<.5,1,.5>,x)L(0,x-y,<.5,1,.5>,x)               // ZK http://www.povplace.be.tf

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