POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : sun goes up, sun goes down, ... : sun goes up, sun goes down, ... Server Time
4 Nov 2024 13:01:24 EST (-0500)
  sun goes up, sun goes down, ...  
From: Tek
Date: 21 Jul 2001 15:09:05
Message: <3b59d351@news.povray.org>
The only thing changing in the scene for this animation is the position of the
light & it's corresponding glow object. i.e. the colour of the
lightsource(white) and atmospheric media(blue) never change. Cool, huh?

The way it works is that when the sun's low in the sky it shines through more of
the blue air, which scatters the blue components of the light so producing the
reds and yellows you see. I was amazed when I saw that megapov can model this
effect! It's not a perfect simulation of a sunrise, but it's pretty close :)

BTW, this is a development of the cloud image posted to p.b.i, but to get the
render times down I've replaced the cloud with a sphere. If any of you own a
really powerful PC and you want to try rendering this with the cloud, mail me,
it would be much appreciated. My PIII 550 would take days to do that.



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