POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Re: First animation ever (a metronome) : Re: First animation ever (a metronome) Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:00:23 EST (-0500)
  Re: First animation ever (a metronome)  
From: Bob H 
Date: 1 Jul 2001 04:21:46
Message: <3b3edd9a@news.povray.org>
"Sander" <san### [at] stolscom> wrote in message
news:MPG### [at] NEWSPOVRAYORG...
> In article <3b3dec65@news.povray.org>, JRG says...
> > I modelled and animated this metronome yesterday afternoon, just because
> > got bored of studying oscillations. I'm completely new in animation (I
> > the documentation just yesterday, after modelling the metronome...)

Good going then.

> > Cmpeg looks quite hard to use to me, where can I find a simple
> > non-compressed-avi2mpeg convertion program?
> Your other questions can best be answered by many people here who are
> much more knowledgeable than I am...

That wouldn't be me but I'll suggest TMPGEnc anyway if you want to explore
mpeg further: http://www.tmpgenc.com/

The motion blur workings are known to be the way you describe.  There were
times when I got very odd results but I won't go into that.  Much of it is
in how you expect something versus the actual outcome though.  It won't even
be in POV-Ray v3.5, not that I recollect the reasons why exactly.
If the clock-induced variable can be coaxed into hovering at a spot then
released it should do the "correct" motion blurring.
Search povray.unofficial.patches back to March 10-12, 2001.  There's the
same thing mentioned there.
A possibility might be to use the following, exchanging objects of course:

#declare C=clock;  // motion blur will accept this (just to set variable)

motion_blur {

  union {

    cone {0,1,-2*y,0}
    sphere { 0, 1}
    torus {.5,.25 clipped_by {cylinder {-.25*y,.25*y,.5}} translate 1.125*y}
    texture {pigment {radial frequency 8} finish{specular .75 metallic 1
brilliance 1}}
  translate 2*y // position toy top
 translate pow(C/BlurS-1,2)*x // the important part
 #declare C=C+1; // C defined outside first, so loop effect takes place

I dredged this back up out of a test scene file I had.  Going to post it to
povray.unofficial.patches since it might be something for others to look
over, ugly as it may be.

Bob H.

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