"sshelby" <ssh### [at] rexnetnet> wrote in message
> I visited that website you pointed out. Very interesting. Have you tried
> .mng format? Am I correct in assuming it is mainly for use in web pages?
> it supported by the majority of browsers?
I've known little of the existence of MNG really. Surprising to me that
it's been around, as a concept at least, for a couple years or more.
Checking into it just now I see that Alchemy Mindworks has a program for
making them. I got one of their programs many years ago, Graphic Workshop,
and also tried out their GIF Construction Set too. Now this new PNG/MNG
Construction Set sounds real good.
I wouldn't say it's purpose is for web pages alone anyway, except that
there's the intention for web browsers to incorporate it someday so maybe it
will become more popular through that. In fact Netscape already has. Check
this: http://www.3-t.com/3-T/products/emngma/MNGbrowsers.html
Got to say that I've been shuffling along with MPG files so long, and AVI
before that, that I feel behind the times concerning this. If animation
encoding output directly (or semi-directly) from POV-Ray (4.0?) were ever to
be done then MNG is probably the answer.
Bob H.
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