"Ken Cecka" <cec### [at] homecom> wrote in message
> I remember a discussion of this back not long after pov 3.0 came out. I
> think the idea was to extract frames from your animation to embed and
> number them in sequence, then use pov script to build the filename of the
> image to use for your image_map based on the value of clock.
> What was your approach?
> Ken
Here's the code:
#declare screen = concat("filename",str(frame,-3,0),".png")
where "frame" is a counter tied to the clock variable so that it increments
once for each frame rendered. This gives "screen" the value
"fliename###.png" where the ### is incremented each frame. The -3,0 forces
"screen" to have three numbers (and no decimal places). You can use any
sequence of frames with any filetype POV recognizes. Now if you can only
finde some sequentially-numbered files :) you'll be all set.
pigment { image_map { png screen }
translate <width/2, -height/2, 0>
so the image "screen" is mapped to the TV screen (width and height are
variables in my TV macro).
That's it!
- Mike
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