POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : how to make mesh solid? : Re: how to make mesh solid? Server Time
18 Feb 2025 18:07:43 EST (-0500)
  Re: how to make mesh solid?  
From: Ken
Date: 9 Aug 2003 13:36:20
Message: <3F35327C.4B615DA9@pacbell.net>
Connie wrote:
> >  You should be more specific about what do you mean by solid because it's
> >not an unambiguous term.
> >  Do you mean that the surface of the mesh is partially transparent and
> >because of that you can see that the object is only a surface and not
> >thoroughly filled with substance?
> >  Or are you talking about CSG?
> I declare lava in an include file and the following is the texture,
> finish...for the lava.
> It turned out the object is only a surface and not thoroughly filled with
> substance.
> I also replaced lava by a sphere and it turned out nice.
> object{ lava
>   texture {
>                 pigment {color MediumSpringGreen transmit 0.7 }
>         }
>         finish{ diffuse 0.65 specular 0.35 roughness 0.02}
>   interior {  ior 3.1
>                 media {
>                         emission <0.5, 0.2, 1.0>
>                                         }
>         }
>   double_illuminate
>     hollow
>     }

You need to add 'hollow' to your lava object to enable the media (see above).
This is covered in section "  Hollow" of the docs.

Ken Tyler

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