POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Moving objects : Re: Moving objects Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:59:34 EST (-0500)
  Re: Moving objects  
From: JC (Exether)
Date: 2 Jul 2003 07:10:30
Message: <3F02BDA5.6090606@spam.fr>
You can, but I wouldn't say it's a workaround. In povray you can use 
transformations to translate, scale or rotate objects.

sphere { 0, 1, translate <1,2,3> }
creates a sphere centered on origin and translates it to position 
<1,2,3> where it will appear when rendering.

Refer to documentation for further info, it's all well explained.


pat wrote:
> Dear All,
> I've generated a lot of data for objects that I want to render into a movie
> and I realise now that they are in slightly the wrong place. Without having
> to regenerate all the data is there a PovRay command or workaround that
> will allow all the position information following this command to be
> shifted and/or rotated by some amount? Thank you very much for your help!!
> Best,
> Pat
> Free your mind. There is no spoon.
> ************************************************
> Dr. Patrick Bangert
> http://www.knot-theory.org
> Research Instructor for Mathematics
> International University Bremen

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