POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : Pasing pov in C : Re: Pasing pov in C Server Time
6 Oct 2024 13:41:23 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Pasing pov in C  
From: Mike Lundy
Date: 13 May 2003 18:22:09
Message: <3EC1704B.8030200@netscape.net>
/* FILE: pov2html.yy */

/*                             Code section                             */


/* Syntax highlite a POV-Ray 3.5 script using FLEX. Output is HTML.
  * by Mike Lundy - May 10, 2003
  * To complie:
  *  flex pov.yy
  *  gcc lex.yy.c -lfl -opov2html
  * Usage: pov2html <filename.pov >filename.html
  *    or: pov2html filename.pov >filename.html
  *    or: pov2html filename.pov filename.html

#define PAGE_COLOR              "#FDF5E6"
#define TEXT_COLOR              "#000000"
#define KEYWORD_COLOR           "#0000BF"
#define DIRECTIVE_COLOR         "#0000FF"
#define COMMENT_COLOR           "#007F00"
#define STRING_COLOR            "#BF0000"
#define INTEGER_COLOR           "#800080"
#define FLOAT_COLOR             "#800080"
#define OPERATOR_COLOR          "#FF0000"
#define DELIMITER_COLOR         "#008080"

#define FONT_TAG(tExT, cOlOr)   fprintf(yyout, "<FONT COLOR=\"%s\">%s</FONT>",
(cOlOr), (tExT));
#define ECHO                    fprintf(yyout, "%s", yytext);
#define AUTHOR                  "mwl### [at] netscapenet"

/* tidy HTML source on '//' type comments */
char *kill_EOL (char* line)
     char *p1 = line;
     int len = 0;
     while(*p1++) len++;
     if( (line[--len]) == '\n') { line[len] = 0; }
     return line;


/*                          Definition section                          */

%option noyywrap

DIGIT   [0-9]


FLOAT   ({DIGIT}+"."{DIGIT}*)|("."{DIGIT}+)|({DIGIT}+".")

STRING \"[^"]*[\"]*\"

OPERATOR [+*/|!:?=]|"-"



%x comment1
%x comment2

/*                             Rules section                            */


"/*"                     { BEGIN(comment1); fprintf(yyout, "<FONT COLOR=\"%s\">%s",
COMMENT_COLOR, yytext); }
<comment1>[^*\n]*        ECHO;
<comment1>[^*\n]*\n      ECHO;
<comment1>"*"+[^*/\n]*   ECHO;
<comment1>"*"+[^*/\n]*\n ECHO;
<comment1>"*"+"/"        { fprintf(yyout, "%s%s", yytext, "</FONT>"); BEGIN(INITIAL);

"//"                     { BEGIN(comment2); fprintf(yyout, "<FONT COLOR=\"%s\">%s",
COMMENT_COLOR, yytext);; }
<comment2>\n+            { fprintf(yyout, "%s%s", kill_EOL(yytext), "</FONT>\n");

<comment1,comment2><     { fprintf(yyout, "%s", "<"  ); }
<comment1,comment2>>     { fprintf(yyout, "%s", ">"  ); }
<comment1,comment2>&     { fprintf(yyout, "%s", "&" ); }
<comment1,comment2>\"    { fprintf(yyout, "%s", """); }

<INITIAL><               { FONT_TAG("<",   OPERATOR_COLOR); }
<INITIAL>>               { FONT_TAG(">",   OPERATOR_COLOR); }
<INITIAL>&               { FONT_TAG("&",  OPERATOR_COLOR); }
<INITIAL>\"              { FONT_TAG(""", STRING_COLOR);   }

{STRING}                 { FONT_TAG(yytext, STRING_COLOR);    }
{OPERATOR}               { FONT_TAG(yytext, OPERATOR_COLOR);  }
{INTEGER}                { FONT_TAG(yytext, INTEGER_COLOR);   }
{FLOAT}                  { FONT_TAG(yytext, FLOAT_COLOR);     }
{DELIMITER}              { FONT_TAG(yytext, DELIMITER_COLOR); }
#+[ \t]*{DIRECTIVE}+     { FONT_TAG(yytext, DIRECTIVE_COLOR); }

aa_level                        |
aa_threshold                    |
abs                             |
absorption                      |
accuracy                        |
acos                            |
acosh                           |
adaptive                        |
adc_bailout                     |
agate                           |
agate_turb                      |
all                             |
all_intersections               |
alpha                           |
altitude                        |
always_sample                   |
ambient                         |
ambient_light                   |
angle                           |
aperture                        |
append                          |
arc_angle                       |
area_light                      |
array                           |
asc                             |
ascii                           |
asin                            |
asinh                           |
assumed_gamma                   |
atan                            |
atan2                           |
atanh                           |
autostop                        |
average                         |
b_spline                        |
background                      |
bezier_spline                   |
bicubic_patch                   |
black_hole                      |
blob                            |
blue                            |
blur_samples                    |
bounded_by                      |
box                             |
boxed                           |
bozo                            |
break                           |
brick                           |
brick_size                      |
brightness                      |
brilliance                      |
bump_map                        |
bump_size                       |
bumps                           |
camera                          |
case                            |
caustics                        |
ceil                            |
cells                           |
charset                         |
checker                         |
chr                             |
circular                        |
clipped_by                      |
clock                           |
clock_delta                     |
clock_on                        |
collect                         |
color                           |
color_map                       |
colour                          |
colour_map                      |
component                       |
composite                       |
concat                          |
cone                            |
confidence                      |
conic_sweep                     |
conserve_energy                 |
contained_by                    |
control0                        |
control1                        |
coords                          |
cos                             |
cosh                            |
count                           |
crackle                         |
crand                           |
cube                            |
cubic                           |
cubic_spline                    |
cubic_wave                      |
cutaway_textures                |
cylinder                        |
cylindrical                     |
debug                           |
declare                         |
default                         |
defined                         |
degrees                         |
density                         |
density_file                    |
density_map                     |
dents                           |
df3                             |
difference                      |
diffuse                         |
dimension_size                  |
dimensions                      |
direction                       |
disc                            |
dispersion                      |
dispersion_samples              |
dist_exp                        |
distance                        |
div                             |
double_illuminate               |
eccentricity                    |
else                            |
emission                        |
end                             |
error                           |
error_bound                     |
evaluate                        |
exp                             |
expand_thresholds               |
exponent                        |
exterior                        |
extinction                      |
face_indices                    |
facets                          |
fade_color                      |
fade_colour                     |
fade_distance                   |
fade_power                      |
falloff                         |
falloff_angle                   |
false                           |
fclose                          |
file_exists                     |
filter                          |
final_clock                     |
final_frame                     |
finish                          |
fisheye                         |
flatness                        |
flip                            |
floor                           |
focal_point                     |
fog                             |
fog_alt                         |
fog_offset                      |
fog_type                        |
fopen                           |
form                            |
frame_number                    |
frequency                       |
fresnel                         |
function                        |
gather                          |
gif                             |
global_lights                   |
global_settings                 |
gradient                        |
granite                         |
gray                            |
gray_threshold                  |
green                           |
height_field                    |
hexagon                         |
hf_gray_16                      |
hierarchy                       |
hypercomplex                    |
hollow                          |
if                              |
ifdef                           |
iff                             |
ifndef                          |
image_height                    |
image_map                       |
image_pattern                   |
image_width                     |
include                         |
initial_clock                   |
initial_frame                   |
inside                          |
inside_vector                   |
int                             |
interior                        |
interior_texture                |
internal                        |
interpolate                     |
intersection                    |
intervals                       |
inverse                         |
ior                             |
irid                            |
irid_wavelength                 |
isosurface                      |
jitter                          |
jpeg                            |
julia                           |
julia_fractal                   |
lambda                          |
lathe                           |
leopard                         |
light_group                     |
light_source                    |
linear_spline                   |
linear_sweep                    |
ln                              |
load_file                       |
local                           |
location                        |
log                             |
look_at                         |
looks_like                      |
low_error_factor                |
macro                           |
magnet                          |
major_radius                    |
mandel                          |
map_type                        |
marble                          |
material                        |
material_map                    |
matrix                          |
max                             |
max_extent                      |
max_gradient                    |
max_intersections               |
max_iteration                   |
max_sample                      |
max_trace                       |
max_trace_level                 |
media                           |
media_attenuation               |
media_interaction               |
merge                           |
mesh                            |
mesh2                           |
metallic                        |
method                          |
metric                          |
min                             |
min_extent                      |
minimum_reuse                   |
mod                             |
mortar                          |
natural_spline                  |
nearest_count                   |
no                              |
no_bump_scale                   |
no_image                        |
no_reflection                   |
no_shadow                       |
noise_generator                 |
normal                          |
normal_indices                  |
  normal_map                     |
normal_vectors                  |
number_of_waves                 |
object                          |
octaves                         |
off                             |
offset                          |
omega                           |
omnimax                         |
on                              |
once                            |
onion                           |
open                            |
orient                          |
orientation                     |
orthographic                    |
panoramic                       |
parallel                        |
parametric                      |
pass_through                    |
pattern                         |
perspective                     |
pgm                             |
phase                           |
phong                           |
phong_size                      |
photons                         |
pi                              |
pigment                         |
pigment_map                     |
pigment_pattern                 |
planar                          |
plane                           |
png                             |
point_at                        |
poly                            |
poly_wave                       |
polygon                         |
pot                             |
pow                             |
ppm                             |
precision                       |
precompute                      |
pretrace_end                    |
pretrace_start                  |
prism                           |
prod                            |
projected_through               |
pwr                             |
quadratic_spline                |
quadric                         |
quartic                         |
quaternion                      |
quick_color                     |
quick_colour                    |
quilted                         |
radial                          |
radians                         |
radiosity                       |
radius                          |
rainbow                         |
ramp_wave                       |
rand                            |
range                           |
ratio                           |
read                            |
reciprocal                      |
recursion_limit                 |
red                             |
reflection                      |
reflection_exponent             |
refraction                      |
render                          |
repeat                          |
rgb                             |
rgbf                            |
rgbft                           |
rgbt                            |
right                           |
ripples                         |
rotate                          |
roughness                       |
samples                         |
save_file                       |
scale                           |
scallop_wave                    |
scattering                      |
seed                            |
select                          |
shadowless                      |
sin                             |
sine_wave                       |
sinh                            |
size                            |
sky                             |
sky_sphere                      |
slice                           |
slope                           |
slope_map                       |
smooth                          |
smooth_triangle                 |
solid                           |
sor                             |
spacing                         |
specular                        |
sphere                          |
sphere_sweep                    |
spherical                       |
spiral1                         |
spiral2                         |
spline                          |
split_union                     |
spotlight                       |
spotted                         |
sqr                             |
sqrt                            |
statistics                      |
str                             |
strcmp                          |
strength                        |
strlen                          |
strlwr                          |
strupr                          |
sturm                           |
substr                          |
sum                             |
superellipsoid                  |
switch                          |
sys                             |
t                               |
tan                             |
tanh                            |
target                          |
text                            |
texture                         |
texture_list                    |
texture_map                     |
tga                             |
thickness                       |
threshold                       |
tiff                            |
tightness                       |
tile2                           |
tiles                           |
tolerance                       |
toroidal                        |
torus                           |
trace                           |
transform                       |
translate                       |
transmit                        |
triangle                        |
triangle_wave                   |
true                            |
ttf                             |
turb_depth                      |
turbulence                      |
type                            |
u                               |
u_steps                         |
ultra_wide_angle                |
undef                           |
union                           |
up                              |
use_alpha                       |
use_color                       |
use_colour                      |
use_index                       |
utf8                            |
uv_indices                      |
uv_mapping                      |
uv_vectors                      |
v                               |
v_steps                         |
val                             |
variance                        |
vaxis_rotate                    |
vcross                          |
vdot                            |
version                         |
vertex_vectors                  |
vlength                         |
vnormalize                      |
vrotate                         |
vstr                            |
vturbulence                     |
warning                         |
warp                            |
water_level                     |
waves                           |
while                           |
width                           |
wood                            |
wrinkles                        |
write                           |
x                               |
y                               |
yes                             |
z                        { FONT_TAG(yytext, KEYWORD_COLOR); }

[a-zA-Z0-9_#]+         |
<*>.|\n                ECHO;

<<EOF>> yyterminate();

/*                          User code section                           */

#include <time.h>

/* return current system date & time as char ptr */
char* get_time(void)
     static char *the_time_str;

     time_t the_time;
     the_time_str = ctime(&the_time);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
     if (!yyin) yyin = stdin;
     if (!yyout) yyout = stdout;

     if(argc >= 2) {
         if( (yyin = fopen (argv[1], "r")) == NULL) {
         if(argc == 3) {
             if( (yyout = fopen (argv[2], "w")) == NULL) {

     fprintf(yyout, "<HTML>\n"
                    "  <META NAME=\"GENERATOR\" CONTENT=\"%s by %s %s\">\n"
                    "  <TITLE>POV-Ray SDL: %s</TITLE>\n"
                    "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"%s\" TEXT=\"%s\">\n\n"
                    argv[0], AUTHOR, __DATE__, get_time(), PAGE_COLOR, TEXT_COLOR );

     fprintf(yyout, "</PRE>\n"
                    "</HTML>\n" );

/* EOF */

Alex wrote:
>>Playing with DocBook I have readed there are some tools to automatically
>>create parsers for C++ - you only have to define syntax/grammar in XML iirc.
>>Sorry, I don't remember details.
>  Two words:
>  flex, bison
> Alex

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