>> r=sqrt(pow(x-center_x,2)+pow(y-center_y,2)+pow(r_0,2))
> What is r_0?
1. Technically we have a 3D-wave that is centered at
(center_x, center_y, r_0). Of this wave we take only
the slice with z=0.
2. Before the correction, amplitude has been the height (or half
of the height) of the wave. Now the height varies, being
maximal at (center_x, center_y). Its value there is
On the other hand r_0 determines how fast the wave diminishes.
Let us say you want to specify the height of the wave (at the
center) and the distance from the center at which the height
is halfed. Then choose
r_0 = distance/sqrt(3)
amplitude = height*r_0
Hope i got it right
merge{#local i=-11;#while(i<11)#local
pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission x}}hollow}// Mark Weyer
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