Samuel Benge schrieb:
> When I wanted to tackle this problem I made a program in a completely
> different language that randomly placed points without letting each
> one's radius intersect any of the other's. The program then spit out an
> array for POV to read. That way, when POV goes to render the scene, it
> doesn't take an enormous amount of time. I never took the prgram to the
> next step: allowing different-sized objects. You can check out the saved
> coordinates in my post to povray.binaries.scene-files, titled
> Pre-calculated, Spaced Vectors.
I was thinking about that as well. I've begun studying computer
engeneering last year, but civil service interrupted that, so I'm
nowhere near where I wanted to be by this time... :-(
Nontheless, my brother is a C# addict, and maybe I can get
him to implement some of the more fundamental vector-
functions and create a simple POV-Math-parser for me...
In this case, the only requirement out of the ordinary math
is to read and calculate a heightfield + slope at any given
Then I need File I/O to read the different sized objects...
I'll think about it, but on the other side, I'm a purist... ;-)
With POV, thats what my brother tells me while he is
programming his OpenGL-3D-Engine, time is no
issue, with 3D-Realtime, it is.
I'm POV. :-)
Tim Nikias
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights/index.html
Email: Tim### [at] gmxde
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