POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Blow up! take 4 (1.5 mb linked) : Re: Blow up! take 4 (1.5 mb linked) Server Time
2 Nov 2024 07:25:32 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Blow up! take 4 (1.5 mb linked)  
From: Dearmad
Date: 26 May 2002 02:18:44
Message: <3CF07EA5.841C8B31@applesnake.net>
Once the fire's burning it look sgreat, but the first two pushes of
smoke or whatever move too much "of a mass."  I mean they move like they
are coherent and it really takes away from the verisimilitude you're
striving for- as for realism I can't comment having not witnessed too
many fiery explosions in my life.

The fire seems hot enough to warrent heat waves too... it's awfully
bright yellow and not very "vicious low-temp red"- that's the color I've
seen when I've watched buildings burn.

admirable effort!

Modeling slave:
"Ballet pour ma fille."

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