POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Re: swirly water[751kbu DIVX] : Re: swirly water[751kbu DIVX] Server Time
2 Nov 2024 07:26:31 EDT (-0400)
  Re: swirly water[751kbu DIVX]  
From: Tim Nikias
Date: 19 May 2002 08:01:55
Message: <3CE79416.AE235FF@gmx.de>
Hey Mike! That looks really cool! I know that the
algorithm doesn't actually rotate the water, so its
an impressive effect to see that it actually looks like
its spinning!

As for the persistant variables, thats a no-no with
POV-Ray 3.5. Perhaps someone will make a patch
for that (like MegaPOV 3.5 or such, who knows).

But if you want something easy you can take a look at
my homepage, in the downloads section you'll find
some macros which take care of writing arrays filled
with floats/vectors/boolean to disk and loading it
very easily. It supports arrays of up to 5 dimensions (the
actual limit POV-Ray has itself), and is very easy
to use.
Steven Vogel used those Macros for his implementation
of that algorithm as well and said he was very satisfied.

You wouldn't have to save to different files but simply specify
one data-file which you initialize in the first frame, and every
next frame you simply load at the beginning, and save at the
end (the typical way of doing that sort of stuff).

Anyways, nice animation, interesting textures (image-maps,
I guess), good lighting. Looks pretty realistic...

Mike Hough wrote:

> I liked Rune's water animation so much I had to try it myself.  It took me
> awhile to figure out that code on Hugo Elias' site and adapt it to POV.  I'd
> actually seen that before but never considered that it could be done in SDL.
> There's one thing I ran into during the project maybe someone knows
> about...is there some way to have variables persist from one frame to the
> next in 3.5 like you could in MegaPOV?  I wound up saving data to sequential
> files in order to save the time of calculating the entire thing from the
> beginning for each frame.

Tim Nikias
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights/index.html
Email: Tim### [at] gmxde

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