In case anyone is interested:
I've added a new section entitled "Past Projects" on my homepage.
Replacing "Tutorials", "Making of...", "Behind the scenes",
the section will just offer a closer look on the making of a certain
image, animation or plain scripting.
For a beginning, the modified IRTC-Description for "Worldbowl",
viewable as HTML with some nice pics to spice it up, is available.
I'm working on a "Making of..." of the "Two Gerberas in a vase"
image with some more pics showing radiosity-effects, photons and
some modelling with my Mesh-Modelling-Macros (yet incomplete).
Tell me what you think of the "Past Projects" image:
Its a silver text over a reflective-checkered plane (to modify that
old cliche, but reflective also wasn't very visible on the text)...
Tim Nikias
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights/index.html
Email: Tim### [at] gmxde
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