Chris Colefax wrote:
> I don't believe it is - from my studies of splines a while back it
> seems the integration of the relevant functions just isn't possible.
A quadratic spline
P(x) = Ax^2 + Bx + C
has the derivative in x of
dP(x)/dx = 2Ax + B
which has a magnitude of
sqrt( 4(A.A)x^2 + 4(A.B)x + (B.B) ),
which can be integrated over x (the integral is in my calc book).
A cubic spline,
P(x) = Ax^3 + Bx^2 + CX + D
Will have a quadratic derivative in x, namely
dP/dx = 3Ax^2 + 2Bx + C
The magnitude of which is
|dP/dx| = sqrt( 9(A.A)x^4 + 12(A.B)x^3 + 4(B.B)x^2 + 6(A.C)x^2
+ 4(B.C)x + (C.C) )
Dunno if this can be integrated over x. Taylor's expansion might
provide a clue to the integral.
Rusty is rendering!
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