POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Wind algorithm problem [MPG, 280kb] : Wind algorithm problem [MPG, 280kb] Server Time
2 Nov 2024 11:26:27 EDT (-0400)
  Wind algorithm problem [MPG, 280kb]  
From: Tim Nikias
Date: 3 Mar 2002 12:49:25
Message: <3C8261D1.EDEBC283@gmx.de>
I'm currently pacing through my particle-system and doing some
enhancements and additions to the internal calculations, in order
to have a releaseable version up and running soon.

I've just implemented a "wind turbulencing algorithm", which
takes care that particles born nearby are blown in a pretty
similiar direction, but this changes subtly based on
initial position.
This was done in order to avoid the chaotic wind turbulences
when simply randomizing the wind direction a bit.

So, when looking closely at the animation, you should notice
that particles tend to move to the same initial direction, but
this direction changes slightly.

There are two gaps though:
When the rocket passes the x-axis, the smoke-column
breaks apart. Particles move upward, and then suddenly

I am using always the same algorithm:
-take a turbulenced vector and the initial wind direction
-create an axis using vcross with those two vectors
-using another smooth-turbulenced float, rotate the initial
 wind direction about some degrees around the former
 calculated axis

Since the order of calculations are always the same, I guess
that the break is due to the sudden change from positive
to negative x-values, but I'm not sure how I could solve that
without taking away too much of the turbulencing process.

Anyway, hope you like it, perhaps some comments?

Tim Nikias
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights/index.html

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