POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : An attempt at electricity (97kb file) : Re: An attempt at electricity (97kb file) Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:01:34 EST (-0500)
  Re: An attempt at electricity (97kb file)  
From: Mark James Lewin
Date: 7 Feb 2002 20:46:51
Message: <3C63296E.242E0071@yahoo.com.au>
Nekar Xenos wrote:

> Nice stuff. How did you do the lighting - radiosity or a moving light?

Thank you. About 50 (overkill:-) moving lights made up the lighting, with no rad.

> I'd love to see the code for this...

I'll tidy it up over the weekend and post it early next week if you like. It's
pretty simple, just some spheres and cylinders... I think some of my inspiration
came from lightning you had done a while ago.


prism{0,.1,30#local I=1;#while(I<30)#local B=asc(substr(// Mark James Lewin
6>#local I=I+1;#end,-4pigment{rgb 9}rotate-x*90translate 15*z}//POV-Ray 3.5

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