POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : '3d' Life : Re: '3d' Life Server Time
2 Nov 2024 13:19:19 EDT (-0400)
  Re: '3d' Life  
From: Dennis Clarke
Date: 14 Dec 2001 10:40:46
Message: <3C1A1D5C.7090006@blastwave.com>
david sharp wrote:

> In 2d there are the classic 'Conway' rules. So far as I know, there is no
> standard set of rules
> for 3d. With certain rule sets you can get static formations and gliders and
> blinkers, etc.
> So it seems pretty wide open for experimenting.
> But a problem with my POV implementation is that once the 'playing field'
> gets large, the
> computation time gets unacceptable if the goal is experimenting, like
> looking for forms that
> 'do stuff'.

Damn.  Yet another cpu bounded situation.  What we need is a massive cluster 
of computers all rendering frames.  But we can't because the GOL frame depends 
on the previous frame.  Each system would need to render a few lines only and 
then assemble the image and then move onto the next frame.


I have a stack of systems that just sit around and collect dust.  I've always 
wanted to get sixteen of them going simutaneously but the scripting would be a 
bit nasty and the assembly of the image even nastier.

Just thinking and typeing at the same time.


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