s1631001 wrote:
> I'm doing a short animation for our forthcoming youth service in church,
> and I wondered if any of your particle systems could rise to the Thomas
> Duff challenge! During the animation, Thomas will be doing the following
> with polystyrene beads:
> 1: sticking his hands in a box and throwing them out
> 2: tipping the box over so they go everywhere
> 3: kicking through a big pile of them
> If anyone reckons their p+les are up to it, please let me know.
I thought of a way to do 1 & 3 without particle interactions (guess I'll
have to drop 2. Ah well)
Fill the cardboard box with a large white box, with tiny white spheres
scattered across the top to give the impression of the box being full.
Now Thomas pushes his hands into the box as normal (POV-Ray's lack of
built-in collision detection comes in handy for a change), and as he
brings them out, we attach a hemispherical particle emitter to his hand.
The emitter sprays white spheres upwards, and we need only perform
collision checking with Thomas' arm and the floor! (I'm going for a
cartoony look, so Thomas' arm is composed of cylinders and spheres)
Surely somebody's system can manage that? I've seen all sorts of stuff
coming out of you, including toroidal emitters, so this shouldn't be too
"Grey Knight"
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