POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Particle Demo, particles leaving objects : Particle Demo, particles leaving objects Server Time
2 Nov 2024 13:19:32 EDT (-0400)
  Particle Demo, particles leaving objects  
From: Tim Nikias
Date: 7 Dec 2001 06:18:24
Message: <3C10A46B.354F0752@gmx.de>
Another demonstration of what my system is capable of.

The particles are actually meant to be amounts of color, and each
time they hit, they paint the wall, but also shrink in size, as painting

the wall requires some amount of the paint!

The animation took near to 2 seconds on parsing in the beginning,
where particles haven't rebounced much, but grew to about
1 minute in parsing as lots of rebounces where calculated.
Tracing was always around ten seconds, since there's no complex
texturing, lighting etc.

A drawback I've found, is that the objects a particle may leave behind
when hitting a wall has to be of the same as the particle itself
(talking about blob's here), and I'm looking if there is a useful way
of keeping track of the rebounce-positions and calling the
placement-macro later. Though that could consume quiete some RAM...

I'm open for suggestions!


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