Your reply sounded like I insulted you or something, which wasn't the
point I was trying to make.
The particle-action I've seen so far is really astonishing, your animation
with the particles rolling on the "uneven disc-thingy" looked really cool!
What I was thinking if someone could create something that would
have more than "particles interact with one object". Your animation with
the two gravitational spheres was something I had in mind for that.
My system doesn't have the possibities to react to more than a box
(it may not be rotated!), and that's a drawback I have.
But your systems (not only yours, Rune, but the others as well) looks like
they're capable of doing some pretty stuff. Also, I'd guess, having particles
through a room filled with objects would be an extensive test for the systems.
If I come up with a more specific idea, I'll tell, okay?
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