Thank you so much for taking the time to work on the fourth
IRTC CD-ROM while POV-Ray 3.5 beta was (is) still going on!
I have immediately placed an order for the CD, like I did
for the three previous ones. I have had no problem so far,
and see no reason why it should change. Besides, the fact
that this is a preorder means that I will probably forget
about it and have a nice surprise around mid-December!
Your online store is a really nice place, by the way. Clean,
efficient, informative and, most of all, honest - just like
a small shop around the corner, as opposed to the big,
anonymous malls that we are more used to see both in real
life and on the Internet.
I especially liked your description of the process you use
to handle credit card numbers. I like your "only-stored-in-
encrypted-form" policy, and all the other little details:
pointers to up-to-date exchange rates charts, pointer to
Thawte page certifying your site, etc.
I hope the income generated by the sales of this CD will
allow povray.org and irtc.org to keep on living, and maybe
growing. I'm looking forward for IRTC CD#5 and also for
the 10best CD.
Have a nice day.
Adrien Beau adr### [at] freefr http://adrien.beau.free.fr/
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