Rune wrote:
> When a blob component with an individual texture is transformed after the
> texture statement, the texture is transformed twize. It should only be
> transformed once, so it follows the component.
Hmm. Consider:
#include "colors.inc"
light_source {<1,2,-3>*1000, color 1.5}
background {color <0.3,0.5,0.8>}
#declare OddScale=<2.5,2.5,2.499999999999999>;
#declare OKScale= <2.5,2.5,2.4999999999999999>;
#declare piggy=pigment{
gradient y
[0.5 Red]
[0.5 Yellow]
scale 4 }
blob {
threshold .5
sphere {0, 1, 1 scale OddScale
texture{pigment {piggy}}
translate y*1 // pigment translated twize!
translate <-3,2,10>
blob {
threshold .5
sphere {0, 1, 1 scale OddScale
texture{pigment {piggy}}
translate <0,2,10>
translate y*1 // pigment OK!
blob {
threshold .5
sphere {0, 1, 1 scale OddScale
texture{pigment {piggy}}
translate <3,2,10>
blob {
threshold .5
sphere {0, 1, 1 scale OKScale
texture{pigment {piggy}}
translate y*1// pigment OK!
translate <-3,-2,10>
blob {
threshold .5
sphere {0, 1, 1 scale OKScale
texture{pigment {piggy}}
translate <0,-2,10>
translate y*1 // pigment OK!
blob {
threshold .5
sphere {0, 1, 1 scale OKScale
texture{pigment {piggy}}
translate <3,-2,10> // pigment OK!
cylinder{<-10, 6,10>,<10, 6,10>,.07 }
cylinder{<-10, 4,10>,<10, 4,10>,.07 }
cylinder{<-10, 2,10>,<10, 2,10>,.07 }
cylinder{<-10, 0,10>,<10, 0,10>,.07 }
cylinder{<-10,-2,10>,<10,-2,10>,.07 }
cylinder{<-10,-4,10>,<10,-4,10>,.07 }
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