Bad spelling due to bad pronounciation is understandable, especially
when it is with names of people that are from a different ethnicity than
the person mentioning it.
What bugs me is people - mostly native english-speakers - who routinely
confuse "its" and "it's" and "then" and "than".
followups set.
JRG wrote:
> And what about that ugly *fibinocci* I hear sometimes...
> --
> Jonathan.
> "Adrien Beau" <adr### [at] freefr> ha scritto nel messaggio
> news:3BDC3910.5E38DD84@free.fr...
>>And maybe not. On Slackware forums, I often see "kernal" for
>>"kernel" and other similar errors that I don't have in mind
>>right now. I think it's some kind of "slang pronunciation"
>>that gets written down by users that don't care that much
>>about the correctness of their writings.
>>Adrien Beau adr### [at] freefr http://adrien.beau.free.fr/
/*Francois Labreque*/#local a=x+y;#local b=x+a;#local c=a+b;#macro P(F//
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/* videotron.ca */}camera{location<6,1.25,-6>look_at a orthographic}
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