POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : strings.inc - Triangle_Str : strings.inc - Triangle_Str Server Time
4 Nov 2024 13:46:14 EST (-0500)
  strings.inc - Triangle_Str  
From: Thorsten
Date: 3 Oct 2001 07:21:46
Message: <3BBAF454.CEA25819@ewetel.net>
Hello :-))

I think, the current form of Triangle_Str (strings.inc)
#macro Triangle_Str(A, B, C)
    concat("triangle {<",    vstr(3, A, ",", 0,-1), ">,<",
                            vstr(3, A, ",", 0,-1), ">,<",
                            vstr(3, A, ",", 0,-1), ">}")

has to be changed to
#macro Triangle_Str(A, B, C)
    concat("triangle {<",    vstr(3, A, ",", 0,-1), ">,<",
                            vstr(3, B, ",", 0,-1), ">,<",
                            vstr(3, C, ",", 0,-1), ">}")

Try this snippet:
#declare D1=<1,2,3>;
#declare D2=<4,5,6>;
#declare D3=<7,8,9>;
#debug concat("Triangle D1D2D3 ",Triangle_Str(D1,D2,D3),"\n")

Greetings :-))

(3.5beta4, various systems, windows)

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