Jordan wrote:
> I have some questions about polygons (when used in meshes in
> particular) that are probably going to seem sorta dumb. First of all,
> are they limited to 3 or 4 edges, and if so, why?
No. However, many of the cool things done with polygons in a mesh,
such as surface subidvision, work best with triangles or quadrilaterals.
For instance, the Loop surface requires triangles and generates
triangles, while the Catmull-Clark surface can take any shape polygon,
but generates four-siders.
An important caveat: The mesh object used by POV-Ray uses only
triangles (although this may change in the future). Fortunately,
other polygons are rather easily divisible into triangles.
> Secondly, does every edge of every polygon in a mesh have to be shared
> by one (and only one) neighboring polygon? For example,
> -----------
> | | |
> | 1 | 2 |
> |_____| |
> | | |
> | 3 | |
> |_____|_____|
> would be wrong, but,
> -----------
> | | |
> | 1 | 2 |
> |_____|_____|
> | | |
> | 4 | 3 |
> |_____|_____|
> would be fine. If so, why?
Not the case. In POV-Ray the mesh would be comprised of triangles,
and you could butt two triangles against the edge of a third, but
keeping the results seamless would be difficult.
If for some reason you are unwilling to divide your quadrilaterals,
pentagons, etc., into triangles, then in POV-Ray you will have to use a
union of polygons instead of a mesh. By doing so you will miss out on
a great number of advantages that the mesh object has, but sometimes
it can't be avoided.
As for the behaviors of other renderers, I can't say.
> These questions have really been nagging at me
> lately, so any enlightenment you guys can provide would be very
> appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Glad to be of service.
ICQ: 46085459
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