POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : T.O.K.'s Pigment rotated Isosurface thing. (228kbu) - Pigment_Rotate.mpg [1/1] : Re: T.O.K.'s Pigment rotated Isosurface thing. (228kbu) - Pigment_Rotate.mpg [1/1] Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:49:05 EST (-0500)
  Re: T.O.K.'s Pigment rotated Isosurface thing. (228kbu) - Pigment_Rotate.mpg [1/1]  
From: Tor Olav Kristensen
Date: 18 Apr 2001 20:44:44
Message: <3ADE32E7.B64B2007@hotmail.com>
Fascinating to see this.

But maybe I should have coded for more frames
(or less change from frame to frame ?) so 
that that it would wriggle(?) slower. 

Thanks for the comments.
And thank you very much Jamie for rendering !

(I estimated that my 100 MHz PC would need 
more than one day for 72 320x240 frames.)

I planned for another version with smooth 
looping (by sampling the noise in circular 
motions instead linear as in this animation).
But unfortunately I haven't found time for 
that yet.

For Geoff:

Here's the colour map I used for the pigment:

#include "colors.inc"

#declare Blu = color <0.0, 0.2, 0.6>;
#declare Ylw = color <0.6, 0.4, 0.0>;

color_map {
  [ 0.2 color Gray30 + Blu ]
  [ 0.6 color Gray30 + Ylw ]
  [ 0.8 color (Red*2 + Orange)/3 ]

And here's the finish used in the texture:

finish {
  ambient 0.1
  diffuse 0.6
  phong 0.3
  phong_size 5

(I don't remember if I made it or if I 
borrowed it from someone else.)

Best regards,

Tor Olav

mailto:tor### [at] hotmailcom

Jamie Davison wrote:
> This is probably going to look incredibly dark, but I'm not a code
> monkey, and had to cobble together a .ini file as best I could to get
> this to render.  I should have probably rendered it at 320x240 rather
> than 320x200 as well, but never mind, we'll see what happens to the next
> scene file Tor sends me.
> For those interested in such things, it took about 1h 23m to render the
> 72 frames in this anim.

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