Just in case ... Is your Cloud-Sphere "hollow"?
Darcy Johnston schrieb in Nachricht <39c3ec84@news.povray.org>...
>I've run into something I was wondering if someone might be able to
>I'm creating planets using image maps form SWMA. I want to have my clouds
>a spearate sphere so that I can have shadows from the clouds for close ups.
>My problem is that if I use media as my atmosphere (using scattering and
>absorbtion), the atmosphere doesn't tail off the way it should if I use a
>2nd sphere for my clouds, but works fine if I just used a layered texture.
>I've attached an example, where the only difference between the images is
>that planet1.jpg has the clouds as just another in my surface texture, and
>planet2.jpg has the clouds as a seperate sphere which is only slightly
>larger in radius (1 vs 1.0001).
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