"Christoph Hormann" <Chr### [at] schunteretctu-bsde> wrote in
message news:39C098C5.584F04B6@schunter.etc.tu-bs.de...
| Looks good, although i never saw a living real one, so i can't judge :-)
| Maybe the tail should move like the arms do.
| I really start hating your ground texture ...
Awful isn't it? :-)
Well, I have one encased in acrylic I got while at Grand Canyon. However I
also have many of a smaller chocolate brown colored variety getting indoors
all the time here too in northern Alabama. Plenty to base the model on.
Their tails actually lay flat behind them usually, it's only when they're
eating something or being caught by me that their tails curl up. Might be
different for others of the species or other times when I don't see them.
The arms do move a little but they tend to hold them fairly steady as they
move, not very different from the way I animated them. The colors of the
legs and arms is most wrong, too yellow there, more of a transparent light
grayish-tan instead; those I see alive that is, the SW one is more yellow
overall with brown body. Same for the underside of the body, a grayish tan.
Btw, the live ones I have around here are a mere 2 inches, the one from the
SW is probably more like 5 inches (claw arms and tails included).
I'm on a rocky hillside and I saw many under the rocks as I made a bit of
landscaping. However I researched a little on them once and seems there are
even kinds that live around buildings (no kidding), small and dark brown
too, if I remember right.
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