"Christoph Hormann" <Chr### [at] schunter etc tu-bs de> wrote in
message news:39B8D89E.A28789A8@schunter.etc.tu-bs.de...
| -The shape looks good, but the decrease in width is too strong IMO (in
| cases, the width/brightness of a lightning stays quite constant during the
| -It would be good to have the color fading from white to black/darkblue at
| edges. (you seem to use objects for the lightning, so this is probbaly not
| easy)
I concur. This would do well for cloud to cloud lightning but in the case
of cloud to ground it should probably have a near constant main bolt. If a
large diffuse and lower ambient is used the edges will fade but since that's
light source dependant that could not work right. Transparency could be
used along with a strong highlight but once again is too dependant on
external light.
Tony's idea to use media is possibly the best answer I can think of too.
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