Xplo Eristotle <inq### [at] unforgettablecom> wrote:
: How long did that first one take to render, Warp..
A couple of minutes.
: And why didn't you bother to light it properly? Why did you even render
: it at all? What are we supposed to glean from this image, other than the
: fact that you're apparently using a nightlight to illuminate the scene?
I didn't use any light at all (in the first two images).
My goal was to show that:
1. The recursion level can have a drastical impact in the image if a
higher recursion level is needed to illuminate parts of the scene that
are not directly facing the illuminating object.
As I undestand it, the second image is brighter than the first one because
the white floor reflects light to the other objects. At recursion level 1
this doesn't happen. Making the floor dimmer would have probably made the
illumination dimmer as well.
2. When the radiosity calculations make the rendering very slow, you can
actually use area lights to speed up the rendering without any quality
decrease (you may experience even a quality increase since the direct
illumination is better).
Someone gave the idea that using area lights is of no use since you get
a completely different image. The third image was made to test if this is
true. Well, it isn't.
):_;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/
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