In this case, the image map is acceptable, though I am sure the font is out
there (somewhere).
Your transparency seems to be improperly defined, though.
I recommend using a lower color count ( 16-color paletted image) and
declaring the specific background color as transparent (transmit
palette_number,1 - ex. transmit 1,1).
When I reduced your fender.gif to 16 colors, I noticed that black (and near
black) were occupying entries 1,2,3,5,7, and 8. In that case (your image
utility may function differently) you would need six transmit statements in
your texture.
BTW, stamp out gifs. Use png's.
"Erick" <ejv### [at] wxsnl> wrote in message
> Hello,
> Finally, I have made the black acoustic Fender guitar as nice as I can
> it.
> However, I have some trouble fitting the Fender logo on it. I have to use
> image file cause I can't find the right font ;-((
> I hope you enjoy it.
> Greetz, Erick
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