POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Dragonfly revisited 39k : Re: Dragonfly revisited 39k Server Time
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  Re: Dragonfly revisited 39k  
From: Alf Peake
Date: 26 Aug 2000 15:39:54
Message: <39a81d0a@news.povray.org>
(3rd repost, seems I can only reply to my original post)

Subject: ReDragonfly revisited 39k
Date: 25 August 2000 20:54

Tor Olav Kristensen <tto### [at] onlineno> wrote in message
> Nice !
Thank you.

> I like the red glass a lot. What's the code for it ?
#declare Filtr=0.95; // Used ior 1.45 in final merged objects.
#declare GlassF = finish{ phong 0.4 phong_size 400 diffuse 0.1
reflection 0.05 ambient 0.5 }
Object{ Thorax pigment{ rgbf <1,0.2,0.2,Filtr> } finish{ GlassF } }

> And how are the wings done ?
// The PNG is wing-shaped crackle, blurred to round-off the outer
#declare Wing=
difference{ box{ <0,-1,0>, 0.996 }
            height_field{ png "dragonhf.png" smooth translate -y*0.25
inverse }
            height_field{ png "dragonhf.png" smooth scale <1,-1, 1>
translate y*0.25 inverse }
     translate <-0.02,0,-0.95>
     scale <5.5,0.05,1.5> // Front pair. Rear pair will scale this
     rotate <-16,-104,0>
     pigment{ rgbf <0.8,0.9,1,Filtr> } finish{ GlassF }

> There seems to be some problems with the attachment of the
> rear wings to the body.
Yes, its that blob / camera angle thingy again. Same sort of thing
happens with 'lipsoids. I also lose the shadow with some angles.
The jpeg shows a close up, camera over left wings, (leading edge to
the left) all other objects removed, tail would be to the right. The
left 2 sections are opaque, no photons, with camera <0,4,-4> and the
right one is clear with photons and camera <0,5,-3>. Note the right
pair of wings do not connect in this one :(

See also a larger version, 88k,  of the pic I uploaded here in March:



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