"Ian Witham" <ian### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message
> "Christoph Hormann" <Chr### [at] schunteretctu-bsde> wrote in
> message news:39A542EE.6C93717B@schunter.etc.tu-bs.de...
> > How about making it darker so that the room is mainly illuminated by the
> film
> > (as in the real cinema).
> Maybe someone can help me with that-- in my tests I removed all light
> sources, I left the screen ambient 1, and everything else ambient 0.
> defualt megapov radiosity the screen illuminated precisely nothing... how
> can I make it cast a glow??
Hmm, IMHO if you are using radiosity, then ambient should be turned off
globally (since ambient is essentially fake radiosity). It certainly won't
contribute to radiosity.
How about going the whole hog - basically fake a projector and project your
image at your screen?
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