I will try to make the ant somewhat less fat. I'm not quite content with
the texture as well. But it's not quite easy to find the best
Here's the main texture:
#declare T_Ant_Overall=
gradient x
[0 color rgb <.5,.18,.2>]
[0.2 color rgb <.5,.18,.2>]
[0.65 color rgb <.15,.1,.12>*1 ]
[1 color rgb <.15,.1,.12>*1] }
scale 6
translate <-3,0,0>
finish{diffuse 0.5
brilliance 1
specular 1
roughness 0.02
reflection .1
ambient 0}
normal{bumps .1}
There are some special normals on the different parts of the body.
I'll submit the source code to the POV-Ray Objects Collection once I
have cleaned up the code.
BTW: I have posted a little animation at binaries.animations.
- Micha Riser
email: mic### [at] michavirtualavenet
visit my homepage: http://micha.virtualave.net
POVRay Objects Collection: http://povobjects.keyspace.de
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