Bob Hughes wrote:
> That does seem an awful long time for this. Surprised to see the memory
> goes that high too.
Most of the memory is needed for radiosity (without it's less than 1 Mb)
> What are the plants made from? And I don't think I would have noticed some
> were floating unless you had said.
Some definitely are (just look after the shadows). They are made from a highly
turbulent quilted pattern.
> I'd bet it's the distant part which is so slow anyway. Maybe you could opt
> for a different angle, such as from lower down and looking through a
> crevasse instead.
You are right about the distant part, the first lines of the terrain rendered at
about 4-5 seconds per pixel. A change of the viewpoint could be worth trying
although it would still be quite slow.
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmxde>
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