POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : What's with the landmarks IRTC winner? : Re: What's with the landmarks IRTC winner? Server Time
6 Mar 2025 21:46:02 EST (-0500)
  Re: What's with the landmarks IRTC winner?  
From: Geoff Wedig
Date: 26 Jul 2000 08:13:19
Message: <397ed5df@news.povray.org>
Ian Witham <ian### [at] hotmailcom> wrote:
> So you will write a script that tracks all of our POV knowledge in the style
> of a Sci Fi Convention costuming competition?  I'll come as the Y axis --
> and later, when I've had a bit to drink, the Z axis.

Er, not exactly.  You track based on how well people have done previously in
the competition.  So everyone is considered a novice until they've proven
otherwise.  I'm not sure there's enough people entering the competition each
time, though.


(and yes, I know you were just having fun, but...)

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