POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : camera position : Re: camera position Server Time
6 Mar 2025 21:45:54 EST (-0500)
  Re: camera position  
From: ryan constantine
Date: 18 Jul 2000 15:38:32
Message: <3974B1F1.4A9CB81F@yahoo.com>
moray lets you bind both the camera's position and its look_at to
objects.  of course moray eventually outputs pov code, so there must be
some moray-povcode out there with this in it.  unfortunately, i've never
used those features so i don't have any laying around.

Marc-Hendrik Bremer wrote:
> I see .... so your problem is, that due to the look_at you have an
> extra-rotation of your camera, which you can't use easily for your cylinder.
> Hm ... all I can think about is to re-compute the position of the camera
> with the vector-transformation-functions of Pov (vrotate etc.) and use the
> resulting vector to calculate the position of the cylinder.
> Marc-Hendrik
> rsibbald schrieb in Nachricht <39748696.C59AA803@julian.uwo.ca>...
> >Close...  tranlating and rotating the cylinder with the camera is exactly
> what
> >I want,
> >but the problem arises when I don't translate my "look_at" too, which I
> don't
> >want to
> >do.  The angle the camera takes will always be changing to accomodate the
> >'look_at'
> >thus even if the cylinder is always <0,5,5> ahead of the camera, it won't
> >always be
> >in the picture!

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